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“To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe – to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it – is a wonder beyond words.”

Joanna Macy

Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Edited Books

“The Power of Literature Knowledge Organisers”, in The World, the Text, and the Classroom: Teaching Literature in Singapore Secondary Schools, eds. Dennis Yeo, Ann Ang, and Suzanne Choo (Singapore: Pearson, 2020), 94-114.


"She Walks Like A Free Country: Amanda Chong's Professions and Jennifer Anne Champion's Caterwaul.Cha: Asian Literary Journal. Issue 41. September 2018.


What We Stay Alive For”, in Practices of Inquiry: Through the Lens of the Student Teachers, ed. Chua Bee Leng (Singapore: NIE, 2017), 16-25.


"Bearing Fruit: The Rise of Singapore's Civil Society", in The Birthday Book, ed. Malminderjit Singh (Singapore: Ethos Books, 2016), 166-169.


The Deep Restlessness of Alvin 14 July 2016. Web. <>.


Refrain of the English Teachers”, in 50 Years, 50 Voices: 50 Years of English in Singapore Schools, eds. Philip McConnell and Genevieve Wong (Singapore: ELIS, 2015), 71.


“A Heretic’s Dream of Salvation.” Interreligious Insight 12.2 (Dec 2014): 54-64.

[Also accessible here.]


“‘Our Failure of Empathy’: Kevin Carter, Susan Sontag, and the Problems of Photography.” Think Pieces: A Journal of the Joint Faculty Institute of Graduate Studies, University College London 1.1 (2014): 9-17.

[Also accessible here.]


“Silence, Simplicity and Sacredness: Buddhist and Catholic Monasticism in Contemporary Film.” Interreligious Insight 11.2 (Dec 2013): 58-66.

[Also accessible here.]


Karen Armstrong’s Charter for Compassion: Implication for Inter-Religious Efforts in Singapore.Canons 9.1 (2013): 1-17.

[Also accessible here.]


Born Again: Transcendence and Renewal in Narratives of Spiritual Rebirth.PRISM Undergraduate Journal 5.1 (2013): 6-13.

Selected Articles & Poems

'diatribe / diamantine." Quarterly Literary Review Singapore (QLRS). Vol. 20 No. 2. Apr 2021.


"In turbulent times, the young need the arts more than ever." The Straits Times. 21 Feb 2021: A23.


“Strength in Solitude: A Teacher’s Testimony”. SingTeach Virtual Staff Lounge. Oct 2020. Web. <>.


"The Joy of Learning Club." Schoolbag. 3 Jul 2019. 


'Homichlophobia." Quarterly Literary Review Singapore (QLRS). Vol. 17 No. 3. Jul 2018.


"Playing the cards right for literature." The Straits Times. 10 Apr 2017.


Banning the name of God (for some).The Interfaith Observer. 15 Apr 2014.


Singapore's students get proactive about interfaith peace.The Interfaith Observer. 15 Nov 2013.


"Ven. Thubten Chodron offers key strategies for Buddhist youth leaders." Eastern Horizon. Sep 2012.

[Also accessible here.]


Youth can take the initiative in combating xenophobia.The Straits Times. 14 Apr 2012: D14.


Spare a thought for the ‘aunty’ serving you.The Straits Times. 31 Mar 2012: D6.


A lesson or two from Dublin.The Straits Times. 3 Mar 2012: D10.


Let youth lead interfaith efforts on campus.The Straits Times. 25 Feb 2012: D18.


Dotting the i for Singapore.The Straits Times. 24 Dec 2011: C11.


Sense of being an outsider hits home.The Straits Times. 8 Oct 2011: D12.


Sharing our piece of the Singapore Story.Today. 16 Aug 2011: 14.


Youth interfaith efforts can make a difference.The Straits Times. 16 Apr 2011: D8.


Comedy is no joke.The Straits Times. 26 Mar 2011: D12.


Study trip turns into spiritual odyssey.The Straits Times. 29 Jan 2011: D7.


Transported by Japan’s roads and trains.The Straits Times. 13 Sep 2010: B8.


"Tak kenal maka tak cinta." Berita Harian. 22 May 2002: 13.



Media Coverage

"Learning that Sparks Joy." NIEWS. National Institute of Education. March 2020: 20-21. 


"Voices from the Classroom." English Literature Bulletin (Issue 1, 2020: "The Different Issue"). Curriculum Planning and Development, Ministry of Education. pp. 14-16. 

[Also accessible here.]


"Playing the cards right for literature." The Straits Times. 10 Apr 2017: B9.

[Also accessible here.]


"Treasure trove of ideas to light up literature lessons." The Straits Times. 20 Jun 2016: B10.

[Also accessible here.]


"Secara kreatif terap kesedaran antara agama." Berita Harian. 15 Apr 2016: 4.

[Also accessible here.]


"Anak muda mampu pengaruhi tanggapan, pupuk harmoni." Berita Minggu. 31 Jan 2016: 7.
[Also accessible here.]


"Sekumpulan belia anjur acara amal 'Recite for Rohingya'." Suria (Berita), MediaCorp. 17 Jun 2015.


"Top students." Asian Geographic: The READ magazine. Issue 6, 2014.

[Also accessible here.]


"Regardless of race." Channel NewsAsia, MediaCorp. 8 Aug 2013.


"He chooses to be advocate of inter-faith dialogue." The Straits Times. 8 Jul 2011: A27.


Love and Life at the Gallery, co-edited with Genevieve Wong (Singapore: Poetry Festival (Singapore), 2020).


Love at the Gallery, co-edited with Genevieve Wong (Singapore: Ethos Books, 2017).


SG Poems 2015-2016, co-edited with Eric Tinsay Valles et al. (Singapore: Ethos Books, 2016).


From Walden to Woodlands: An Anthology of Nature Poems, co-edited with Muzakkir Samat (Singapore: Ethos Books, 2015).

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